Through the timelessness of Life is the Eternal Rhythm, which belongs to the cosmos and is inherent, and indeed is the only thing which makes us possible. This rhythm, this vibration of life must be used to bring us into harmony and peace with the other planets, for by retarding our own progress on this planet we retard all other progression, on all other planets in the cosmos.
If our thoughts are unkind or injurious, then, we will help bring chaos to our world, which will reverberate throughout the cosmos. If our global consciousness is suffocated with negativity, this would be deemed as failure, and would make it necessary for us to have to begin the weary journey of humanity once more. Our part must be made perfect by us. Our part must have built into it the Harmony of Goodness, the beauty and the peace, which only comes from Love, which we must send to everybody with whom we come into contact.
The creative mind flows on and on, in animals, birds, fishes, our earth, the sky, the stars, our moon, the planets, in all of this, the mighty creative force obeys. That is the mainstream of creation but the finer infinite stream, which is in the first and last part that is conceived in all of these wonders, resonates, in part, in each small atom of humanity, and its perfection can never be complete without the mind-force of each of its atoms turning back to perfection, so the mind-force of an individual man can join the flood of creative minds, and help us to fulfil our purpose.
Constructive perfection and beauty is the unremitting support for the whole, and not for the individual parts. So when we work our minds for Good, whether directed to one particular person, or to a whole nation of people, it must be solely that the whole may benefit from those thoughts. The power of thought was not given to us lightly, and unless it were within the compass of our understanding, the gift of thought would have been withheld, for none is given power to use which is beyond their understanding...........Lets start using it.