specializing in the stimulation of the thought process...

The Pursuit of Happiness

For many of us, the goal of life isn't ultimate wealth, a massive amount of stuff, or the perfect car. It's happiness, plain and simple.

Some people may be created happier than others, with enjoyment of life programmed into their hardwiring. For others, getting to happiness isn't always that simple. You weren't programmed that way.But like any programming, yours can be changed.

Rewrite your life program to include as many of the following tips as appeal to you, and the ultimate goal of happiness can be yours. If you've already achieved complete happiness, well done!

1. Experiment to find out what makes you happy. Different things make different people happy. If you aren't sure what your hot spots are, experiment. Try different things out. Find out what you enjoy most. The answers just might surprise you. Try a few of the following for starters.

2. Surround yourself with others who are happy. If you are around angry, depressed or sad people, it will transfer to you. You can't help it. But if you're around people who are happy, that will also transfer to you. You'll also learn their habits, and learn to react the way they do when something bad happens. Slowly weed out the negative influences on your life and replace them with positive ones.

3. Count your blessings. When something bad happens to you, try not to focus on it. Instead, take a minute to count your blessings. Everyone has good things in their lives, whether it is health or loved ones or whatever.

4. Gratitude sessions. Along those lines, it is a good practice to have a daily gratitude session. Think about what you have to be thankful for, and silently thank those who have done something good for you in some way. If you have time, take the time to call them or email them to thank them.

5. Think solutions. Instead of thinking about problems, move to the next step: how to solve it. When someone says to me, "Oh, this is so hard," or "Oh, I can't seem to do this," or "Man, we don't have any more of that," I just ask them, "Well, what's the solution?" If you develop solution-oriented thinking, you'll be much happier.

6. Connect with others. As much as possible, spend time with those you love, and with others who you enjoy. It could be a simple phone call, or a short visit. Or take a day with the person or people you'd like to spend time with. Have a conversation, do things together, be intimate.

7. Accept things. We are often unaware of it, but we usually want things or people or ourselves to change. And that's a sure way to lead to unhappiness, because we cannot control the world. We have to accept things as they are, try to understand them, even love them. Including and most especially ourselves: accept who you are, allow yourself to be yourself, try to understand and love yourself. Then do the same with the others in your life.

8. Take time to savor life. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, resolve to have less to do each day, less appointments and fewer tasks. Then do each thing slowly, with mindfulness and ease, and try to be present in the moment. And truly enjoy whatever it is you do, from talking to eating to walking to just sitting.

9. Notice small things. Along the same lines, try to notice when you feel good, or you're not suffering, or you are tasting something really delicious, or you feel something cold or hot, anything. Noticing the little things will help keep you focused on the present.

10. Treat yourself.
Take a few minutes each day to give yourself a little treat, whether that's something like chocolate or berries, or a bubble bath, or walking barefoot in the grass, or taking a nap. Whatever it is, treat yourself. You deserve it.

11. This shall pass.
When bad things happen, and you're having trouble accepting it, think to yourself the same thing the ancients did: "This, too, shall pass." And it will. And you'll survive.

12. Volunteer. When you give to others, whether that's money or the stuff you no longer need or your time and love, you become happier. It's true. Take 5 minutes today to call a charity and volunteer to donate some time sometime this month. It will make a big difference in your life.

13. Follow your passions. If you do what you love to do, especially for a living, you wil be extremely happy. This is one of the best things you can do. If it seems impossible, don't give up. Others have done it and you can too.

14. Look at your achievements. Instead of looking at what you haven't done, or what you've failed at, think about what you have done. Many times that's much more than we realize.

15. Laugh. Just the simple act of laughing can make you happier. Watch a funny movie, tell jokes, read a book by Douglas Adams or Terry Pratchett, go to humor sites on the Internet. And laugh your head off.

16. Realize that you deserve it. You deserve happiness. That simple statement is actually profound for many people, as they don't believe they really deserve to be happy. It's often unconscious. If you feel that within yourself, you need to first realize that you deserve happiness. Repeat it if necessary.

17. Get into the flow. There is a state of doing known as Flow, which is when you completely lose yourself in a task and forget about the world around you. It leads to happiness, and productivity. Set yourself up for it by clearing distractions, giving yourself a challenging (but accomplishable) task, and making it something that you like doing. Then try to lose yourself in that task.

18. Have a goal. Too many goals will lead to ineffectiveness. Try to choose one goal and really focus on it. And work to accomplish it. Goals lead to happiness, if you make progress on them.

19. Get inspired. Take time to read blogs or books or magazine articles about success stories related to what you want to do. It will get you energized.

20. Celebrate. When you do something right, when you accomplish something, when you feel like it, reward yourself. Celebrate. Have fun, and pat yourself on the back.

21. Autonomy. Try to have at least one area in your life where you have autonomy. It's best if this is at work, but if not, find another place, such as a hobby or civic activity. You need to be in control of what you do to be happy.

22. Spend time doing something you love. Make room in your life by eliminating some of the commitments you don't really like doing, and replacing them with something you truly love.

23. Show little acts of kindness. Each day, try to be kind to others in little ways, opening doors, smiling, giving up your place in line.

24. Exercise. Just a short walk or run could lift your spirits and reduce stress. Nothing difficult. Just get outside and move.

25. Catch negative thoughts. Monitor your thoughts. When you catch negative ones, try to think of something good instead. Anger, Hatred, Irritation and Jealousy- All these thoughts are negative.

26. Jealousy doesn't help. Many people obsess about others who are successful or happy. That gets you nowhere, fast. Instead, be happy for them. Then focus on yourself, and what you do right.

27. Stop watching and reading news. Sure, this sounds like a head-in-the-sand suggestion. But really, if you give this a try, you won't miss a thing. And instead, you can focus on reading books and listening to music that lifts you up.

28. Learn something new. It's strange how many of us are afraid to try new things, or admit we don't know something. But learning new skills or new information is one of the most fun things there is to do. Give it a try.

29. Check out nature. Go and watch a sunrise or sunset. Watch the water, whether that's a river or ocean or lake. Watch the stars, or the clouds. Watch animals. Watch people. Watch children. And be inspired by it all.

30. Laugh some more.
When you are in the middle of a bad situation, look around you, realize the absurdity of the situation, and just laugh. In a year, no one will care. In two years, you'll be laughing at this anyway. So laugh now, and be happy now.

Written for Dumb Little Man by Leo Babuata

9-11 - Stolen Souls, Taken Beyond Money and Time

Symbols of Power, Commerce and Greed
Come to our Homeland, Live the American Dream
Towers He Bought, Profit Made Obscene
Insure for Terrorist Attack, Cited Silverstein.

Thirty Three Years the Towers had stood
Same age as Jesus when crucified in blood,
Two-Thousand, Seven Hundred and Forty Nine
Stolen Souls taken beyond Money and Time.

Kennedy's Vision, Rotten to the Neo-Con Core
Weapons Of Mass destruction, Excuse to go to War
Corporation Bullshit, Stupid Bloody Madmen
Simulated Terror Drills, Lets Blame Bin La-den

Power Brokers quiver, Truth dances all around
Loud whispers echo, New consciousness found.
Taken on that terrible day, Peace to you in Heaven
Etched in our Memory, The numbers Nine Eleven.....

Harmony of goodness, the Eternal Rhythm...

Through the timelessness of Life is the Eternal Rhythm, which belongs to the cosmos and is inherent, and indeed is the only thing which makes us possible. This rhythm, this vibration of life must be used to bring us into harmony and peace with the other planets, for by retarding our own progress on this planet we retard all other progression, on all other planets in the cosmos.

If our thoughts are unkind or injurious, then, we will help bring chaos to our world, which will reverberate throughout the cosmos. If our global consciousness is suffocated with negativity, this would be deemed as failure, and would make it necessary for us to have to begin the weary journey of humanity once more. Our part must be made perfect by us. Our part must have built into it the Harmony of Goodness, the beauty and the peace, which only comes from Love, which we must send to everybody with whom we come into contact.

The creative mind flows on and on, in animals, birds, fishes, our earth, the sky, the stars, our moon, the planets, in all of this, the mighty creative force obeys. That is the mainstream of creation but the finer infinite stream, which is in the first and last part that is conceived in all of these wonders, resonates, in part, in each small atom of humanity, and its perfection can never be complete without the mind-force of each of its atoms turning back to perfection, so the mind-force of an individual man can join the flood of creative minds, and help us to fulfil our purpose.

Constructive perfection and beauty is the unremitting support for the whole, and not for the individual parts. So when we work our minds for Good, whether directed to one particular person, or to a whole nation of people, it must be solely that the whole may benefit from those thoughts. The power of thought was not given to us lightly, and unless it were within the compass of our understanding, the gift of thought would have been withheld, for none is given power to use which is beyond their understanding...........Lets start using it.

We don’t need no education, we don't need no thought control

Coexistence on this tightly knit earth should be viewed as an existence not only without wars...but also without [the government] telling us how to live, what to say, what to think, what to know, and what not to know.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, from a speech he gave on September 11th, 1973.

Mainstream media helps to mould opinion and is instrumental in shaping how people think, feel, and act. Television and newspapers have been used to control the flow of information to the "masses" for nearly 70 years. The introduction of the internet has blown fresh life into the ocean of knowledge; available to anybody with a computer and almost impossible to censure, the web is breaking down the corporations strangle-hold on information. People are waking up!

Millions of people have been so well conditioned or "Dumbed Down" by society, they would never question what they read in The Daily Mail or The Washington Post, they have no reason to dis-believe the reports they watch on CNN or Sky News, their belief system, unable to tolerate anything outside of it's boundary.

Schools educate children based on a Curriculum provided by the government, where unique individuality is suppressed. The uniformity of what we should do, how we should think, even what clothes we should wear, has been so deeply engrained into our minds, that it is even policed by us, as the child who turns up for school wearing the wrong coat or shoes knows only too well, mocked by his peers, and bullied into conformity.

The sheep fall into line.

We don't need no education, We don't need no thought control.No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher, leave those kids alone.Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone! All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.

454..Exploring Synchronicity

There is no such thing as chance; and what seems to us merest accident, springs
from the deepest source of destiny - Friedrich Schiller (1759 - 1805)

How many times have you thought about someone, a friend or relative, maybe someone you haven't seen or spoken to for a while, then, out of the blue they phone you, or you bump into them in the street?

Coincidence or Synchronicity? A thought provoking experience involving seemingly random events... Inextricably Linked...

4th May 2004: Hyatt Regency Sharm El Sheik, Sinai.

During this holiday I experienced what I believe to be pure SYNCHRONICITY (The culmination of a series of seemingly random events, which in my mind were inextricably linked). This was one of the most profound moments that I have ever experienced in my life. It was confirmation to my already inquisitive mind that the laws of synchronicity are active, and in full effect.

The story begins....

The day before we (my girlfriend and I) were due to leave for Egypt, i had driven to my sisters house to pick up some snorkeling equipment that she said we could borrow. ( My sister had stayed in this hotel a number of times and she had recommended it to us).

1 Whilst at my sister's house she offered me a book to read on holiday, " Here is a book to read on your hols, I can't really get into it, but I think you'll like it," she said, then handed me the DaVinci code. I had never heard of the Da Vinci code before, but after a quick glance, I looked forward to reading it.

2 "Oh, one more thing" my sister said. "Every Tuesday night they have a fresh fish evening at the Beach restaurant, it's fantastic. You get to choose your freshly caught fish from baskets overflowing with delicious sea food. Then watch it being cooked, and eat it under the moonlight whilst listening to a saxophonist. Don't miss that night."

Synchronicity had been set in motion.........
The hotel was beautiful. We had not seen one cloud in the sky since arriving in Sharm El Sheik. I was captivated by The Davinci Code, engrossed in the pages whilst baking under the intense rays of the Egyptian sun.

3 Our night in the fish restaurant had coincided with a Total Lunar Eclipse, and being into astronomy, i was naturally excited at the prospect. We spent the day sunbathing and snorkelling around the coral reef, looking forward to our evening when we would be eating freshly caught fish, listening to a saxophonist, and to top it all, witnessing a total lunar eclipse in Egypt at the foot of Mount Sinai......unaware of the synchronous events that were about to unfold...

Due to the absence of any visible menu or pricelist we ended up ordering enough fish to feed the proverbial five thousand. During the meal I had informed a few of the other diners who were sitting nearby of the impending, fully visible, Total Lunar Eclipse. Word spread around the restaurant and pretty soon everyone had re-positioned their chairs and were sat looking up into the Egyptian, nightime sky, towards the moon...

I wanted to capture the eclipse on film, my camera at the ready, i pointed it at the moon. I took two shots, as the first didn't look that good through the view finder. As I was taking the second shot I heard one of the few English diners in the restaurant shout....
"Four Five Four!"
It was as though the mute button had been pressed, all the other noise in the restaurant had ceased....

"What did he just say?" I asked my girlfriend, thinking it was quite unusual to shout out a three digit number in that manner..... Then it clicked, it was the date, the 4th of May 2004! (04/05/04).

Now, this could be a regional thing, but in all my life i have never heard anyone communicate a date in that way, it would be like saying today is " Nineteen Six Six. " People just don't say that!

I didn't think much more about it and diverted my attention to the viewfinder on my digital camera, where I began examining the second picture that I had taken of the moon at full eclipse(see image). A really strange circular orb had appeared on the picture. Flicking between the two shots which had been taken seconds apart I was mystified as the strange image had not been caught in the first picture. I am aware that orbs can be a number of things.
I thought this was pretty strange!

5 We made our way back to our apartment, had a couple of drinks and got ready for bed. Not long after, all of a sudden I got a chill right through my whole body. The look I had on my face prompted my girlfriend to say

"What, whats up?" she asked eagerly.

"That number...i'm sure, just wait there a moment" I replied, reaching for The DaVinci Code.

"What is it, what?" she asked again.

I opened the book at the turned corner of the page, where I had book-marked earlier that day. There it was, at the bottom of the page that I had read up to that day, page 163, the end of chapter 25 - The number - 4... 5... 4...

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!" I said. We were both pretty shocked.

A sub-plot to all this is that I'm interested in prophecy, and my girlfriend had, for a while, wanted me to watch the film Nostradamus. Now, over the previous two months we had been into every single video shop within a 25 mile radius of where we live, looking for this film, but with no success. The very next morning on the 5th of May 2004, as soon as I woke up I grabbed the remote control and flicked on the TV, there across the TV screen was the title NOSTRADAMUS.... just starting....

When i returned home i did some research on this number and on the eclipse with some amazing findings.....

454: What i discovered.........

4th May 2004; the Full Moon of Wesak, we experienced a very powerful Lunar Eclipse. This was the second year in a row that there had been a Lunar Eclipse on the Wesak Full Moon. This was incredibly powerful and extremely rare.

This day not only brings a powerful eclipse of the moon, it is the day of the Wesak festival, a day that honors the Buddha. It is said that on the days of the full moon in the month of Taurus, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and made his final passage from the Earth. This day is a powerful reminder that we are on that same journey.

Fours and Fives and the Mayan calendar.

The height of The Great Pyramid in Giza is 454 feet, which is also the exact average height of all the land mass on earth.

The legal system of Egypt is based on English common law. The legislative branch is a bicameral system, which consists of the Peoples Assembly and the Advisory Council. The peoples Assembly consists of 454 seats (444 are elected by popular vote and 10 appointed by the president) for five-year terms.

The surface temperature of Venus is 454 deg C

After being knighted by his father Sir Lancelot, Galahad was led to his seat in Camelot on Whitsunday, 454 years after the death of Jesus

454 BC: The true date of the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem

Flood to birth of Abraham = 454 years

1 pound = 454 grams

The tetramorph alludes to the 5 th element or quintessence, the element beyond the visible four natural elements of earth, air, water, and fire, to the invisible ether of the alchemists. The psychological equivalent of the Tetramorph, the Quaternity is explored in the writings of the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

Are we about to raise our collective consciousness? From this, our 3D reality as we know it now, through the 4th Dimension which is time, and eventually passing into the 5th Dimension, beyond money and time. A place where fear based concepts are totally dissolved?

One of the many time cycles tracked within The Maya's highly complex calendarical system ends in the year 2012. The next few years will emphasize the importance of people understanding the process of controlling their thoughts, and putting together the shattered pieces of consciousness, so the planet can advance for the betterment of us all. The Mayan calendar, and what the Mayans knew through their calendar, is that synchronicity is the norm. Everything is in a state of synchronicity. Time is closing in on the culmination of events which I believe will catapult us forward into a new reality. Working together, Mother Earth and humanity will make this happen. It is a cosmic clock that does not stop ticking. We are now living in a time when humanity's true powers are surfacing. We are not here to follow the path that came before us, we are here to become it........